Hi, I’m
Affective Neuroscientist

I’m an affective neuroscientist based in Seoul.
Explore human empathy using various methods including neuroimaging, autonomic response, eye-tracking, EEG and psychophysics. Based on the interdisciplinary background, conduct various collaboration studies with clinical and engineering field.
Ph.D. | Korea University
Biomedical Science | Dissertation Title : Altered brain connectivity and structures in bipolar disorders and their effect on trait empathy
M.A. | Korea University
Clinical Psychology | Dissertation Title : A study on the individual differences in empathy : using emotional priming
B.A. | Korea University
Psychology & Philosophy (minor)
Research Professor
Department of Brain and Cognitive Engineering, Korea University
Department of Psychology, Yonsei University,
Department of Biomedical Science, Korea University
Social and Affective neuroscience | PSY4130
Yonsei University, South Korea | Department of Psychology
Introduction to Cognitive Neuroscience | PSY3146
Yonsei University, South Korea | Department of Psychology
Social Brain and Human Behavior | PMED230
Korea University, South Korea | College of Medicine | Team Teaching
Introduction to White Matter Analysis | BMS536
Korea University, South Korea | Department of Biomedical Science
Introduction to Neuroimaging Research | BMS691
Korea University, South Korea | Department of Biomedical Science | Team Teaching
Introduction to Neuroimaging Analysis for Mental Disorder Research | BMS712
Korea University, South Korea | Department of Biomedical Science | Team Teaching
- Kang, J. C., Chi, S., Mok, Y. E., Kim, J. A., Kim, S. H., & Lee, M. S. (2024). Diffusion indices alteration in major white matter tracts of children with tic disorder using TRACULA. Journal of Neurodevelopmental Disorders, 16(1), 40. [Link]
- Kim, H. M., Kang, C., Chae, B., Kang, J. C., & Yoon, H. K. (2024). Exploring Brainstem Structural Abnormalities: Potential Biomarkers for Panic Disorder. Experimental Neurobiology, 33(1), 18.. [Link]
- Kang, J., Park, Y. E., Yoon, H. K. (2022). Feeling Blue and Getting Red: An exploratory study on the Effect of Color in the Processing of Emotion Information. Frontiers in Psychology, 13:515215, 1-9. [Link]
- Kang, J., Kim, A., Kang, Y., Han, K. M., & Ham, B. J. (2022). The Indirect Effect of Prefrontal Gray Matter Volume on Suicide Attempts among Individuals with Major Depressive Disorder. Experimental neurobiology, 31(2), 97-104. [Link]
- Chae, B., Kang, J., Shin, C., Ko, Y. H., & Yoon, H. K. (2021). Insomnia in Emotional Labor: Its Role in Autonomic Nervous System Regulation. Psychiatry Investigation, 18(9), 889. [Link]
- Hyung, W. S. W., Kang, J., Kim, J., Lee, S., Youn, H., Ham, B. J., … & Jeong, H. G. (2021). Cerebral amyloid accumulation is associated with distinct structural and functional alterations in the brain of depressed elders with mild cognitive impairment. Journal of Affective Disorders, 281, 459-466. [Link]
- Park, Y. E., Yoon, H. K., Kim, S. Y., Williamson, J., Wallraven, C., & Kang, J. (2019). A Preliminary Study for Translation and Validation of the Korean Version of The Cognitive, Affective, and Somatic Empathy Scale in Young Adults. Psychiatry investigation, 16(9), 671-678. [Link]
- Kang, J., Derva, D., Kwon, D. Y., & Wallraven, C. (2019). Voluntary and spontaneous facial mimicry toward other’s emotional expression in patients with Parkinson’s disease. PloS one, 14(4), e0214957. [Link]
- Kang, J., Ham, B. J., & Wallraven, C. (2017). Cannot avert the eyes: reduced attentional blink toward others’ emotional expressions in empathic people. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 24(3), 810-820. [Link]
- Won, E., Kang, J., Kim, A., Choi, S., Han, K. M., Tae, W. S., … Ham, B. J. & Lee, M. S. (2016). Influence of BclI C/G (rs41423247) on hippocampal shape and white matter integrity of the parahippocampal cingulum in major depressive disorder. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 72, 147-155. [Link]
- Roh, H., Kang, J., Koh, S. B., & Kim, J. H. (2021). Hippocampal volume is related to olfactory impairment in Parkinson’s disease. Journal of Neuroimaging, 31(6), 1176-1183.
- Roh, H., Kang, J., Hwang, S. Y., Koh, S. B., & Kim, J. H. (2021). Regional Cerebral Cortical Atrophy is Related to Urinary Tract Symptoms in Parkinson’s Disease. Journal of Neuroimaging. 31(2):363-371.
- Kang, W., Shin, J. H., Han, K. M., Kim, A., Kang, Y., Kang, J., … & Ham, B. J. (2020). Local shape volume alterations in subcortical structures of suicide attempters with major depressive disorder. Human brain mapping, 41(17), 4925-4934.
- Han, K. M., Tae, W. S., Kim, A., Kang, Y., Kang, W., Kang, J., … & Ham, B. J. (2020). Serum FAM19A5 levels: A novel biomarker for neuroinflammation and neurodegeneration in major depressive disorder. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, 87, 852-859.
- Lee, J., Han, C., Ko, Y. H., Kang, J., Byun, Y., Son, Y., & Yoon, H. K. (2020). Emotional Changes and Protective Factors of Emotional Workers in the Public and Private Sector. Psychiatry investigation, 17(7), 645-653.
- Han, K. M., Han, M. R., Kim, A., Kang, W., Kang, Y., Kang, J., … & Ham, B. J. (2020). A study combining whole-exome sequencing and structural neuroimaging analysis for major depressive disorder. Journal of affective disorders, 262, 31-39.
- Ju, U., Kang, J., &Wallraven, C. (2019). To brake or not to brake? Personality traits predict decision-making in an accident situation. Frontiers in Psychology, 10, 134.
- Han, K. M., Kim, A., Kang, W., Kang, Y., Kang, J., Won, E., … & Ham, B. J. (2019). Hippocampal subfield volumes in major depressive disorder and bipolar disorder. European Psychiatry, 57, 70-77.
- Ju, U., Kang, J., & Wallraven, C. (2019). You or me? Personality traits predict sacrificial decisions in an accident situation. IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics, 25(5), 1898-1907.
- Han, M. R., Han, K. M., Kim, A., Kang, W., Kang, Y., Kang, J., … & Ham, B. J. (2019). Whole-exome sequencing identifies variants associated with structural MRI markers in patients with bipolar disorders. Journal of affective disorders, 249, 159-168.
- Derya, D., Kang, J., Kwon, D. Y., & Wallraven, C. (2019). Facial Expression Processing Is Not Affected by Parkinson’s Disease, but by Age-Related Factors. Frontiers in Psychology, 10.
- Na, K. S., Won, E., Kang, J., Kim, A., Choi, S., Tae, W. S., … & Ham, B. J. (2018). Differential effect of COMT gene methylation on the prefrontal connectivity in subjects with depression versus healthy subjects. Neuropharmacology, 137, 59-70.
- Han, K. M., Won, E., Kang, J., Choi, S., Kim, A., Lee, M. S., … & Ham, B. J. (2017). TESC gene-regulating genetic variant (rs7294919) affects hippocampal subfield volumes and parahippocampal cingulum white matter integrity in major depressive disorder. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 93, 20-29.
- Won, E., Han, K. M., Kang, J., Kim, A., Yoon, H. K., Chang, H. S., … & Ham, B. J. (2017). Vesicular monoamine transporter 1 gene polymorphism and white matter integrity in major depressive disorder. Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry, 77, 138-145.
- Han, K. M., Won, E., Kang, J., Kim, A., Yoon, H. K., Chang, H. S., … & Ham, B. J. (2017). Local gyrification index in patients with major depressive disorder and its association with tryptophan hydroxylase‐2 (TPH2) polymorphism. Human brain mapping, 38(3), 1299-1310.
- Han, K. M., Won, E., Sim, Y., Kang, J., Han, C., Kim, Y. K., … & Ham, B. J. (2017). Influence of FKBP5 polymorphism and DNA methylation on structural changes of the brain in major depressive disorder. Scientific Reports, 7.
- Han, K. M., Kim, D., Sim, Y., Kang, J., Kim, A., Won, E., … & Ham, B. J. (2017). Alterations in the brainstem volume of patients with major depressive disorder and their relationship with antidepressant treatment. Journal of affective disorders, 208, 68-75.
- Kang, S. G., Yoon, H. K., Cho, C. H., Kwon, S., Kang, J., Park, Y. M., … & Lee, H. J. (2016). Decrease in fMRI brain activation during working memory performed after sleeping under 10 lux light. Scientific reports, 6, 36731.
- Won, E., Choi, S., Kang, J., Lee, M. S., & Ham, B. J. (2016). Regional cortical thinning of the orbitofrontal cortex in medication-naïve female patients with major depressive disorder is not associated with MAOA-uVNTR polymorphism. Annals of general psychiatry, 15(1), 1-8.
- Choi, S., Han, K. M., Kang, J., Won, E., Chang, H. S., Tae, W. S., … & Ham, B. J. (2016). Effects of a polymorphism of the neuronal amino acid transporter SLC6A15 gene on structural integrity of white matter tracts in major depressive disorder. PloS one, 11(10), e0164301.
- Won, E., Choi, S., Kang, J., Kim, A., Han, K. M., Chang, H. S., … & Ham, B. J. (2016). Association between reduced white matter integrity in the corpus callosum and serotonin transporter gene DNA methylation in medication-naive patients with major depressive disorder. Translational psychiatry, 6(8), e866.
- Kwon, D., Ham., B., Kang, J., Yoon, H., (2016). Frontoparietal cortical thinning in respiratory-type panic disorder: a preliminary report. Psychiatric Investigation, 13(1), 146-151.
- Chang, H. J., Kang, J., Ham, B. J., & Lee, Y. M. (2016). A functional neuroimaging study of the clinical reasoning of medical students. Advances in Health Sciences Education, 1-14.
- Na, K. S., Won, E., Kang, J., Chang, H. S., Yoon, H. K., Tae, W. S., … & Ham, B. J. (2016). Brain-derived neurotrophic factor promoter methylation and cortical thickness in recurrent major depressive disorder. Scientific reports, 6(1), 1-10.
- Jung, J., Kang, J., Won, E., Nam, K., Lee, M. S., Tae, W. S., & Ham, B. J. (2014). Impact of lingual gyrus volume on antidepressant response and neurocognitive functions in Major Depressive Disorder: A voxel-based morphometry study. Journal of affective disorders, 169, 179-187.
- Ko, S., Kang, J., & Ko, Y. G. (2012). Does depressed person perceive time as passing slowly? Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology, 26, 1-22.
Korea Health Industry Development Institute, KHIDI | HI21C0012
Translational approach on prognosis of Tic disorder using neuroimaging and EEG technologies
National Research Foundation of Korea | NRF-2018R1D1A1B07048820
Multi-level approach to the automaticity of empathy : individual variance and expandability of empathic ability
National Research Foundation of Korea | NRF-2018R1E1A2A02086661
Measuring empathy bias toward outgroup members and reducing the bias with non-invasive brain stimulation techniques - in the context of multicultural society and minority hatred
National Research Foundation of Korea | NRF-2017R1E1A2A01079266
Decoding individual pattern of emotional empathy and elicitation using HD-EEG and non-invasive brain stimulation technique
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- E – i.psych@icloud.com
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